Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wisdom of The Sacred Feminine

Spirit of Light and Love
Divine Spirit of forbearance and maternity,
Artisan of visions, merit, and strength...
I breathe you in to teach me the ways of the Wise Woman

Bring me the gifts of fortitude and calm
Anoint my heart with wisdom
And bless my eyes with mystic sight to see,
the sad in Someone...

Touch my hands to heal the afflicted of pain,
and through the soft lilt of my voice,
your message be heard
Compassion and Instruction, Guidance and Assurance

Make the very sight of Me, a vision of Serenity,
of Wholeness, Hope, and Mirth -
That any Friend be drawn to Love
and those who love be Merry with Content

Touch my ways,
be blest with Fruitfulness
And my endeavors birth twin Fortunes and Purpose
Greens of Abundance and Pastures of Success

Thy remembrance of you, O, Divine be blest
Awaken the Sacred in me
Unshackle fears and loneliness, the trappings of the unsure
My path the  Ways of the Wise and Sacred I thread
Ever present, forever, within me to Create,
the calling of Love, Peace and Joy

I rejoice in the discovery of the Sacred
the origin of Care and Nurture,
Make me a  lady of Serenity, Fidelity, and Charm
Your remembrance has come forth...
To bless and forgive the daggers of the Lost,

The Wise,
 upholds the message of Life -